Every child is unique with specific needs. Speranza embraces these differences with an understanding that individualized programs work better. For this reason, we treat and provide specific therapy for children based on their diagnosis. We work with you to incorporate our wide range of therapies into a customized intensive program specific to your child’s needs and your family’s goals.
We provide Services to Children in the following areas
Autism Spectrum Disorders
This includes problems with socialization, communication, stereotypical/repetitive behaviors, and perception-related issues leading to speech and behavioral difficulties.
Is your child at risk of Autism?
Your child is at risk of Autism if Your Answer is “Yes” to these questions
- Does your child have repetitive behaviors like hand flapping, body rocking, toe walking, spinning objects, sniffing, immediate and delayed echolalia, and running objects across one’s peripheral vision?
- Is your child lacking speech and language, unlike children of his age?
- Is your child lost or unable to express himself even through gestures?
- Does your child lack eye contact or response to a name call?
- Does your child not react to your cuddles and kisses, though he cares and feels for you?
If your answer is YES for most of the questions, then Contact us at the earliest!

Intellectual Disabilities and Down’s Syndrome
This includes problems with cognition, daily living skills (like toileting), and IQ issues leading to additional speech and behavioral difficulties
Is your child at risk of having ID?
- Does your child have a low IQ level?
- Does your child have a diagnosis of Down’s Syndrome since birth?
- Was your child a late walker or had any of his motor milestones delayed?
- Is your child lacking speech and language skills, unlike children of his age?
- Is your child having memory issues and difficulty concentrating in one place?
- Is your child unable to understand things despite repeated teaching?
If your answer is YES for most of the questions, then Contact us at the earliest!
Language delay
This includes Difficulty speaking in complete sentences or narrating events and/or experiences.
Is your child at risk of having Language Delay ?
- Is your child lacking speech and language skills, unlike children of his age?
- Is your child having difficulty concentrating or sitting and attending to targets?
- Is your child unable to understand things despite repeated teaching?
If your answer is YES for most of the questions, then Contact us at the earliest!
Learning Disability
This refers to various problems in reading, writing, mathematics and an overall performing in school. Children face difficulties in spite of regular practice and efforts
Is your child at risk of having Learning Disability?
- Do you get frequent complaints regarding your child’s performance at school?
- Does your child perform low despite of studying hard?
- Does your child have difficulty copying from board or letter reversals?
- Does your child have difficulty doing calculations?
- Is your child unable to perform tasks like buttoning, typing shoes laces or finding a pair of socks from a pile of clothes?
If your answer is YES for most of the questions, then Contact us at the earliest!
Attention deficit Hyperactive Disorder
This means being hyperactive, impulsive and lacking attention along with speech and language issues
Is your child at risk of having ADHD?
- Is your child unable to sit in one place in spite of repeated training?
- Do you find it difficult to attend gatherings due to your child’s hyperactivity?
- Is your child unable to perform tasks due to attention and concentration issues?
If your answer is YES for most of the questions, then Contact us at the earliest!
Repetition of sounds leading to dysfluencies in speech
Is your child is at risk of having stuttering?
- Is your child unable to speak fluently?
- Do you find it difficult to make your child speak on stage or to strangers?
- Is your child unable to maintain confidence and talk to people?
If your answer is YES for most of the questions, then Contact us at the earliest!
Other Speech Language problems seen in children are:
- Difficulties in sound production (Misarticulation): Problems in producing sounds of a language
- Cleft palate: An abnormal opening in the palate, lips or any oral structure due to which the child has problems in speaking
- Voice disorders: Problems with Voice (pain, burning sensations, changes in quality of voice etc)
- Cerebral Palsy: Muscle weakness leading to problems with speech production
- Apraxia of speech